강의는 오전과 오후, 주 2회 (화, 목) 실시합니다. 학과 명과 스케줄은 매 학기마다 프린트를 해서 미리 알려드립니다.
Classes are held in day time and evening time on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Each class meets once a week. The actual schedule of classes is printed every quarter and may be obtained from the seminary office.
Unit of Credits
과목 당 3학점입니다.
한 과목을 이수하기 위해서는 한 학기에 16 시간 이상 수업을 받아야 합니다.
Each course represents three units of credit per Quarter. To receive one quarter unit of credit, a student spends 24 hours in class or in classroom related activities during a quarter. There are exceptions, however, in regard to independent and directed studies and field research classes. When registering for classes, students should keep in mind that one quarter unit normally requires at least 16 hours of study in class.
The Quarter System
본교는 4학기제를 실시합니다.
각 학기마다 8 주간의 강의로 짜여있습니다.
STS operates on the Quarter system. There are 8 school weeks in a quarter, for a total of 32 weeks in a typical school year. Each class is usually worth three units of credit per quarter.
Degree Requirement
Course Requirement
BTh 신학사
Biblical Courses 40
Theology Courses 40
Ministry Courses 40
Education & Counseling 30
Total: 150
MM 교역학 석사
Biblical Courses 15
Theology Courses 15
Ministry Courses 15
Education & Counseling 15
Total: 60
MDiv 목회학 석사
Biblical Courses 30
Theology Courses 30
Ministry Courses 30
Education & Counseling 18
Language 6
Thesis 6
Total: 120
ThM 신학석사
Biblical Courses 12
Theology Courses 12
Ministry Courses 8
Thesis 6
Total: 38
DMin 목회학 박사
Biblical Courses 12
Theology Courses 12
Ministry Courses 9
Research Method 6
Thesis 8
Total: 47
ThD 신학 박사
Biblical Courses 18
Theology Courses 18
Ministry Courses 18
Research Method 6
Thesis 12
Total: 72