본교는 오랜 전통을 가진 미국의 복음주의 교단인 ECA(Evangelical Church Alliance, www.ecainternational.org)에 속한 대학으로써 서북미 지역의 영적 잠재력을 성서적 신앙으로 승화시켜 그리스도인의 신앙적 변화와 함께 교회의 목회와 선교적 사명을 세우는 일을 돕는데 목적이 있습니다. 특히, 사회의 다변화와 물질 중심적 사고 속에 더욱 비인간화 되고 소외 되어가는 인간의 고통과 문제를 성경을 통해 조명해 보며 인류 사회를 향한 하나님의 뜻을 발견하고 사랑과 나눔을 실천하여 그리스도의 가르침과 치유 사역에 앞장서고자 노력하는 신학대학원입니다. 영성과 전문성을 필요로 하는 교회 목회자들과 및 선교사 지망생들에게 말씀 해석의 원리와 적용을 도와 하나님 나라의 지경을 확장하는데 앞장서고자 노력하는 영성 훈련의 전당입니다.
As an evangelical seminary, the mission of Seattle Theological Seminary is to provide an excellent religious education on the undergraduate and graduate levels that integrates growing faith and quality learning to inspire and equip men and women for Christian ministry and service to effect community and global transformation. STS offers a coherent and integrated education so that students will become aware of the traditions and cultures that have shaped socities, develop and expand their abilities to think critically and independently, and understand their own place and role as Christians in the larger world community.
STS seeks to respond to the mandate of the good news of the kingdom of God, serving as a catalytic presence to holistically transform the neighborhoods and communities of Seattle area, with the aim for global urban transformation.

Washington State
종교 대학(원) 등록
Degree Authorization Act
Washington Student Achievement Council has determined that Seattle Theological Seminary qualifies for religious exempt status from the Degree Authorization Act for the following programs:
Bachelor of Theology(B. Th.),
Master of Ministry(M.Min),
Master of Divinity(M.Div.);
Master of Theology(Th.M.);
Doctor of Ministry(D. Min), and
Doctor of Theology(Th. D.).
The council makes no evaluation of the administration, faculty, business practice, financial condition or quality of the offerings by this institution. Any person desiring information about the requirements of the Act or the applicability of those requirements to the institution may contact the Board at P.O. Box 43430, Olympia, WA 98504-3430
Degree Program
Bachelor of Theology (B. Th.)
Master of Ministry (M. Min.)
Master of Divinity (M. Div.)
Master of Theology (Th. M.)
Doctor of Ministry (D. Min.)
Doctor of Theology (Th. D.)
Certificate Program
Certificate in Biblical Studies (CBS)